Monday, June 8, 2009

Games People Play

"Mom, I'm bored. Wanna play Monopoly?" This is the one question I dread most out of Son #2's piehole. Don't get me wrong - I love playing with my boys, be it kicking around a soccer ball, dodging their too aggressive serves in ping-pong, or shuffling out a quick slap-down of crazy eights. Did you see that word QUICK in the last sentence? Son#2 wants to play Monopoly.

Quick + Monopoly = DOESN'T EXIST!!!!

The same goes for The Game Of Life. Sweet creampuffs, THAT is why they call it a BORED game. It takes for freakin ever!! By the time I finally get the grandkids and go to the retirement home, I really WILL be a resident of Shady Acres Assisted Living, shoveling lime jello into my toothless maw and screaming for someone to change my damn diaper!! And the picture of the mom and dad and sis and brother on the cover, all smiles. Please. You just know mom is eating prescription Valium and dad is flat out skunk-drunk, that's why they're smiling. And their bratty kids are smiling because they plan on getting the folks to play a quick round of Monopoly after this game is done. Fun times had by all, people!

Who creates these "family games" that last several dang days anyway? Don't they realize I have stuff to do?

If you have any favorite games which last for less than seven minutes, please let me know. I really do shower my children with attention, but I do it best in small doses.


  1. Okay, my youngest daughter loves BORED games but to get around this I made up the rule that we make up our own rules (makes things go faster and frankly, more fun). Example: In the game of LIFE you don't have to get married (they came up with that one), you can still have kids if you want and you can stick them in the back of the car if they get on your nerves. Also, if you are a girl and you do get married your husband can ride shotgun. Unless you want to read a book and make him drive.

    We also have two of the "themed" Monopoly games (Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer as well as a Sponge Bob version) which are more fun and we set a time limit on it of any HOUR. Whoever has the most $$$ wins in 60 minutes.

    My favorite game is Yahtzee but its not the kids favorite game, so guess what? We never get to play it.
