Sunday, June 7, 2009

Red, Red Wine

Mama loves the juice, it's true. There's something about the fermented grape that surpasses all other drunk-sauces. This luscious liquid feels sexy on my tongue, velvety in my throat, and sultry in my tummy. The curious thing about me and red wine, however, be it a cab, pinot, merlot, sirah, or zin (or a mixture thereof) is that I feel just as buzzed from one glass as I do from four. Wassup wit dat? It's as if all of the get-me-plowed molecules are stored in the first pour. Which is actually a GOOD thing because it really saves me on the calories. If I'm going to consume a hefty 600+ cals, I want there to be cheese involved. Mmmmm, cheeeeeese. That's going to go right nicely with this here glass of Malbec... CHEERS!

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