Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Preparation "H" - (H is for Holiday)

In ten days, we will be off to Europe for a thirty-two day stay. I need to get my Holiday Prepare on!! Time is sneaking up on me, and the very organized list that I made three months ago only has one item checked off. Ooooops. And that item was "make a list".

I need a mani, a pedi, a dye-job on my roots, a tan, and an eyebrow wax, amongst other things. Why are we women always altering our bodies? I just realized how much work it is to be a chick after I made this simple, five item list. Without these appointments, I would be a stubby-nailed, callous-healed, gray-haired, albino-skinned, uni-browed bush woman. Yikes. Who in their right mind would want THAT as their vacation buddy? Yeesh... I better get crackin...

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